Born To Thrive!
I love creating and playing educational games. I support “Open Education” for young children in order for them to discover the world early in their lives, through their perspective, and not follow what their parents, educators, and governments want them to do or to be. I have a dream for every child to find their reason to live and Thrive!
Well Being is the ultimate goal of humans
The ultimate goal of humans is well being, but how successful are they in achieving their goals? According to Daniel Gilbert’s book “Stumbling on Happiness,” humans are bad at “effective forecasting,” they make poor guesses about what would make them happy; they may...
The American Dream
So much noise has been created around the “American Dream”; the whole world is dreaming of it! But what is finally the definition of the American Dream? For John Winthrop was a religious paradise in a “City upon a Hill” while for Martin Luther King, Jr. was a dream...
Greek word for Education “Paideia”
The ancient Greek words for education/culture, play, and children are Paideia, paidia, and paid; all having the same root. Chris Merrcogliano realized the unity of these three words after 30 years in school teaching; he connected the role of play in the education. He...
True Wealth: A Journey Beyond The American Dream
“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” -excerpt from the Declaration of Independence. The...